Kansas Adult Name Change
Simplify Your Name Change with Kansas Legal Services' Interactive Forms
There are two ways to change your name in Kansas: You can either petition for a change of name or ask for your former name to be restored to you as part of a divorce.
The PDF guide pictured below outlines the two options.
You can access the PDF by clicking HERE.
Read more about Gender Marker Change in Kansas here.
Name change for minors (under 18) information here.
Name Change Forms
- To easily complete the forms needed to change your name, KLS has gathered the following resources concerning name change in Kansas.
- KLS has also created an interactive interview to assist in filling out the forms.
- The interactive interview is indicated by the symbol.
- Kansas Legal Services provides forms as a service to low income Kansans. Forms are easy to use and interactive.
- They will ask you easy-to-answer questions and will auto fill documents you need for filing or responding to legal actions in Kansas district courts based on your answers.
- The interactive interview is indicated by the symbol.
Kansas Name Change Forms and Interview:
- Adult name change Kansas Judicial Council forms
- Adult Name Change in Kansas Kansas Legal Services
- Request to Waive Filing Fees Kansas Legal Services
→ For more information on interactive forms, visit Free Legal Forms.