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These resources are gathered to help guardians and conservators in doing their duties.
The Kansas Judicial Council has a basic instructional program online to help guardians and conservators.
► This form is available to print in PDF or Word format at the bottom of this page.
By a □ physician □ psychologist □ social worker □ other: _____________________________ (In compliance with K.S.A. 59-3064)
Attach additional sheets as necessary.
(1) Date/Location of examination:_______________ , at ______________
(2) Name of proposed ward/conservatee:__________________________
The Children’s Advocacy Resource Center (CARC) has been a part of Kansas Legal Services since 1999. CARC is a statewide program providing complete support and legal services to people serving and caring for homeless children and children involved in our state foster care system.
CARC operates a toll-free helpline for foster youth.
This packet can be used to terminate a guardianship of a person who has died. It includes instructions, petition for termination of guardianship, order for termination of guardianship, and the guardian's final report. If there is also a conservatorship separate action must be taken because the court tracks the final distriubtion of the remaining funds.
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