On November 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed the King Holiday Bill into law, designating the third Monday in January a federal holiday in observance of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The legislation to recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day was first introduced just four days after his assassination on April 4, 1968. Still, it would take 15 years of persistence by civil rights activists for the holiday to be approved by the federal government and an additional 17 years for it to be recognized in all 50 states.
Date: August 7, 2024
Contact: Matthew Keenan, Executive Directorkeenanm@klsinc.org
(Topeka) The legal assistance that Kansas Legal Services (KLS) provided in 2023 had an astounding $74 million impact on the state’s economy, according to a first- ever analysis that the nonprofit organization released today.
Kansas Legal Services (KLS) was born in 1964 during the War on Poverty, and became a statewide organization in 1977.
KLS provides legal services to alleviate low income Kansans’ poverty burdens. KLS has eleven legal services field offices and two mediation offices located across Kansas.
In 2019, the Board of Directors examined KLS’ mission statement and reaffirmed it with this simple statement:
From KSNT By Matthew Self, December 1, 2022
An order signed on December 1 by Kansas Supreme Court Chief Justice Marla Luckert is set to help fulfill the legal needs of rural Kansans.
Please watch this video, with an introduction by Marilyn Harp, Executive Director, that shows you all the work that KLS does for Kansans.
You can donate to KLS by going here.
Here's a short video that shows you the basic steps to join a Zoom meeting on your phone.
Here is our nonprofit determination letter from the IRS, our 501(3)(c) letter.
These two videos on getting ready for court and going to court will answer most of your questions about how to prepare and what to do when you get there.
Getting Ready For Court
Getting Ready for Court tells you how you can get ready for that court experience, whether it's for a divorce or a traffic ticket, this explains how you should prepare for the big day.
The document attached details the rules, regulations and guidelines of the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). LSC is the major funder of Kansas Legal Services and also funds other legal aid organizations around the country, in every state. LSC receives funding from the U.S. Congress every year to distrbute to legal aid organizations.
Kansas Legal Services has hundreds of success stories that celebrate the outcomes of helping individuals and families in a variety of ways. From finding shelter and security for a family fleeing an abusive situation to confronting a harassing debt collection agency, Kansas Legal Services staff have been on the front lines of fighting for equal access to justice for vulnerable Kansans.
Our Partners
LSC's support for this website is limited to those activities that are consistent with LSC restrictions.